How the 12 Agile Principles Can Help a Business

The Agile and DevOps approach to software development is widely being adopted by various software companies due to the various benefits enjoyed by following this particular methodology. It provides a common foundation for making decisions about the best way to develop software. One of the major aspects of Agile transformation is decision making; what practices a team follows is not as important as why they’re following them.

There are 12 principles that a company needs to follow in order to facilitate Agile transformation, and how then can positively impact a business:

Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software: It’s pretty obvious that customers would feel more satisfied if they received working software with incremental improvements at regular intervals, rather than wait an unnecessarily long amount of time between releases.

Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage: Instead of shunning change that is inevitable, teams and companies should welcome such change and accommodate it to the best of their ability. Requests can come in at any moment, and in order to mitigate delays (and ideally, avoid it altogether) a company should effectively accommodate changing requirements.

Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale: The team should operate in short, effective bursts in order to ensure regular delivery of working software. This is perhaps the best way to ensure consumer satisfaction and appreciation.

Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project: Transparency of information regarding recent innovations and developments between the development and the operations teams is critical to facilitate quick release of software. In fact, this is crucial to facilitate the effective adoption of Agile and DevOps.

Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done: It’s pretty obvious that the process of agile transformation will be much smoother if the teams that are adopting this methodology are motivated to do so, and are trusted with utilizing this approach to its full capacity.

The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation: Perhaps one of the most important reason why Agile and DevOps methodology should be adopted by software companies is the face-to-face conversations that are facilitated by the co-existence of both the development and operations teams as a single unit.

Working software is the primary measure of progress: The final, ultimate factor that determines the effectiveness of the company and the practices it’s adopting is the timely delivery of reliable software.

Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely: One of the major positives that comes from welcoming agile transformation is the advent of a consistent development pace. By getting accustomed to this speed, the company can maintain and repeat this pace of development every cycle in order to quickly and efficiently deliver working software.

Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility: The appropriate technical skills and attention to good design will augment the company’s ability to maintain the rapid pace of developing, testing and releasing new software.

Simplicity – the art of maximizing the amount of work not done – is essential: With the increased importance to the quickness of developing and releasing new software, it’s imperative that teams don’t develop a software more than deemed necessary. They should develop just about enough in order to get the job done, until the next software cycle starts.

The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams: After Agile transformation, companies will be able to truly maximize the potential of the various teams working under them. Skill, motivation, innovation, decision-making capabilities, leadership and communication will improve under the Agile approach.

At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behaviour accordingly: The process of switching over to the Agile and DevOps systems won’t be smooth or instantaneous. Teams needs to reflect on the processes and methods they follow and identify which ones can be improved.

Creating a Custom CMS System in PHP

Below is the list of the prerequisites while availing the services of cms development with the help of PHP.

Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP is desirable before starting the developing procedure. One also needs a PHP 5.4+ in their operating system. Bootstrap is also necessary for effectively developing the cms.
According to the operating system, installation of LAMP, WAMP or XAMPP is also necessary.
A little bit knowledge of Jquery is beneficial. Although, it isn’t the limiting factor in the custom cms development in PHP.
How to develop a custom cms system using PHP?
Here, are the basic steps for developing a cms system with the help of PHP as well as MySQL:

1. Creation of Database
First of all, create a PHP file for establishing a road map to work on. Select the number of variables and the methods that you are applying. Connect all the variables with the database. Test the database with the help of a simple MySQL command. Check whether it is working in a proper manner or not.

2. Connecting with the Database
In the earlier step, a function was created. While in the present step a connection between the function as well as the database will be made. It is desirable saving the data at the right place before performing this function. Do not overwrite the database and continuously run the function on your page till it connects with the database.

3. Displaying a form with double fields
Now, when there is a database ready. It is time for filling its field. First of all, create a form with the help of HTML Markup. If there are codes available for creating a form, use them. But, if codes are not available then one has to make them according to their requirement. It prevents rewriting of function multiple times. If the client wants a formatting tool, then there is an option of trying out HEREDOC.

4. Saving the data in form
Begin with the conditional statement. The developer has to fill each of the variable fields with some data as per the requirement of client. Once, the data for all the fields is set properly, create the form with Unix timestamp. Running the MySQL query will save the date in the form.

5. Display of the data
Setup a query in variable. Select each of the entries in reverse order. Send the query to the database and run the conditional statement. Now, create a while loop for sending whole data of the form to the database. This code will add up a link to the bottom of database. It is now too easy writing and retrieving the data from the database.

Qualities of custom cms development in PHP
Below are some qualities of a content management system which are must have for the business owner:

Routing System: The CMS system of a website must be having a good routing system. There are routing systems available in MVC Framework. The routing system of the cms one is developing must be similar to it.

Security of the data: All of the business owner looking for custom cms development in PHP are worried about the security of their data. Even it is a part of a better development practice, that the database must be secure against all elements. It prevents unnecessary troubles to the owner.

Portable: The website must be portable. It should be easy to use as well as customize. Apart from that, there should be customized themes, widgets etc. available for the ease of development.

Modular Distribution: Distribution of files and folders across the website must be done in a proper manner. It allows both the user as well as business owner finding the data very easily.

Interface for Admin: Admin Interface provides the admin easily using the website. It allows him extending his tasks and performing more functions rather than just handling.


In the present article on Creating a Custom CMS System in PHP, we explained you about the key considerations to be kept while getting services of a content management system with the help of PHP. We have also provided you with the brief description of the development procedure.

How To Be Productive On Your Business Trip

1.Email: out-of-office message

If you are going to be out of the office for a long time, your business partners should be aware of it. Otherwise, the absence of an answer could perplex your affiliates or anyone you do business with. However, a carefully created auto-response can help avoid confusion. Moreover, it is important to assign a person who will be responsible for your job while you’re away or a contact that your partners can use in case of urgent questions.

2.Hotel: business-oriented facilities

A business trip is all about urgent last-minute calls, early morning meetings and unexpected issues. Your hotel is a place where you can not only relax and prepare for a tough day, but also a place where you can get prepared for an important meeting or business conference. Being able to work properly and have the support you need will help you feel more relaxed in the long run. Make sure your hotel has such amenities as free Wi-Fi, printing services or dry cleaning for your business attire.

3.Internet: keep a cable in your bag

Your hotel should definitely have free WI-FI, but you better be prepared for some unexpected situations, such as problems with the Internet connection. The connection could also be slow, especially in “hot” evening hours. Most hotel rooms have an in-room Internet port, so an Internet cable would give you a much more stable and strong connection. This cable will not take up much space in your luggage, but it could save you from not being prepared for future meetings or business conferences.

4. Find a temporary office space

Sometimes it can be hard to concentrate on your work while you are at a hotel. It may be just easier to find an office-like place that you can rent for a few days.

Temporary office spaces are becoming popular with the rise in business trips and corporate travel. You can also use it for meetings and small conferences.

5.Use TripCase

TripCase is a perfect app for anyone who wants to use a gadget in order to get everything planned. It gives you the opportunity to focus on your work, so you don’t need to waste precious time on organizational issues, or on searching for tickets, flight schedules, your hotel confirmation number and addresses. Since you have everything on one app, it’s easier to spend your time on business issues.

6.Use a translation app

A translation app will definitely help you feel comfortable in a foreign country. Not every local speaks English, so be prepared to translate some phrases. It could also be helpful to take courses in the language before you go on your trip. You can also learn some essential words and phrases. And don’t forget to read about the culture and local traditions in order not to get into a messy situation.

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